Saturday, March 31, 2012


70. small intestine lengthens approximately:
a. 8 meters
b. 6.5 meters
c. 1.5 meters
d. 5 meters
           ANSWER: B
NOTE: The average length of the mesentery from its root to the intestinal border is 20 cm.

71. which of the following regarding Proper mesentery is false:
a. it attaches the jejunum and ileum to the anterior abdominal wall
b. it attaches the jejunum and ileum to the posterior abdominal wall
c. It extends from the duodenojejunal junction on the left side of L2 vertebra 
d. it has root and intestinal border with a distance of 6m between
                  ANSWER: A
NOTE: The origin or root of the mesentery (approximately 15 cm long) is directed obliquely, inferiorly, and to the right.

72. which is not a contents of Proper mesentery:
a. the superior mesenteric vessels
b. lymph nodes
c. celiac trunk
d. autonomic nerves
                 ANSWER: C
NOTE: the superior mesenteric vessels, lymph nodes, a variable amount of fat, and autonomic nerves.
73.  Which of the following is NOT a region of the duodenum:
a. Superior
b. Inferior
c. Descending
d. vertical
e. Ascending
                     ANSWER: D
NOTE: The duodenum is divisible into four parts, Superior (first) part: short (approximately 5 cm) and lies anterolateral to the body of the L1 vertebra. Descending (second) part: longer (7-10 cm) and descends along the right sides of the L1-L3 vertebrae.  Inferior (third) part: 6-8 cm long and crosses the L3 vertebra. Ascending (fourth) part: short (5 cm) and begins at the left of the L3 vertebra and rises superiorly as far as the superior border of the L2 vertebra

74. The hepatoduodenal ligament  connects the duodenum to the:
a. Diaphragm
b. Lesser omentum
c. Pancreas
d. Spleen
                     ANSWER: B
NOTE: Most of the duodenum is fixed by peritoneum to structures on the posterior abdominal wall and is considered partially retroperitoneal.

75. Which part of deudenum lies retroperitoneal:
a. Superior
b. Inferior
c. Descending
d. Ascending     
NOTE: The descending part of the duodenum is entirely retroperitoneal.

76. The duodenal suspensory ligament (Ligament of Treitz) connects the duodenum to the:
a. Diaphragm
b. Liver
c. Pancreas
d. Spleen
             ANSWER: A
NOTE; suspensory muscle of the duodenum (ligament of Treitz) is composed of a slip of skeletal muscle from the diaphragm and a fibromuscular band of smooth muscle from the third and fourth parts of the duodenum.

77. The bile duct passes down between the deudenum and:
a. neck of pancreas
b. body of pancreas
c. haed of pancreas
d. uncinate process of pancreas
                ANSWER: C
NOTE: The bile and main pancreatic ducts enter its posteromedial wall.

78.  Anteriorly, first part of deudenum is  related to the following Except:
a. gall bladder
b. kidney
c. liver
         ANSWER: B
NOTE: The superior part of the duodenum ascends from the pylorus and is overlapped by the liver and gallbladder.

79. Anteriorly, Second part of deudenum is  related to the following Except:
a. gallbladder
b. transverse colon
c. transverse mesocolon
d. liver
                 ANSWER: A
NOTE: The anterior surface of its proximal and distal thirds is covered with peritoneum; however, the peritoneum reflects from its middle third to form the double-layered mesentery of the transverse colon, the transverse mesocolon.

80. Anteriorly, third part of deudenum is  related to the following Except:
a. transverse colon
b. jejunum
c. superior medenteric vessels
d. sigmoid colon
                 ANSWER: D
NOTE: It is crossed by the superior mesenteric artery and vein and the root of the mesentery of the jejunum and ileum.
81. POSTERIORLY, fourth part of deudenum is  related to the following Except:
a. abdominal aorta
b. transverse colon
c. inferior mesenteric vessels
d. ovarian vessels
                      ANSWER: B
NOTE: Posteriorly it is separated from the vertebral column by the right psoas major, IVC, aorta, and the right testicular or ovarian vessels.

82.  Compared with the jejunum, there are ____ plicae circulares in the ileum and the wall is ____ in the ileum.
a) More; Thinner
b) More; Thicker
c) Less; Thinner
d) Less; Thicker
             ANSWER: C
NOTE: Most of the jejunum lies in the left upper quadrant (LUQ) of the infracolic compartment, whereas most of the ileum lies in the right lower quadrant (RLQ).

83. large intestine lengthens approximately:
a. 8 meters
b. 6.5 meters
c. 1.5 meters
d. 5 meters
                  ANSWER: C
NOTE: The large intestine consists of the cecum; appendix; ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon; rectum; and anal canal.
84. Compared with the small intestine, there are ____ Taeniae coli in the large intestine and the lumen is ____ in the large intestine
a. More; small
b. More; large
c. Less; small
d. Less; large
              ANSWER: C
NOTE: The teniae run the length of the large intestine, abruptly broadening and merging with each other again at the rectosigmoid junction into a continuous longitudinal layer around the rectum.

85. The taenia coli are in the large intestine and consist of ____ bands of smooth muscle arranged in distinct strips.
a. 7
b. 4
c. 5
d. 3
      ANSWER: D
NOTE: The teniae coli (thickened bands of smooth muscle representing most of the longitudinal coat) begin at the base of the appendix as the thick longitudinal layer of the appendix separates into three bands.

86. Pouches in the intestinal wall that give the intestine a segmental appearance are called:
a. Taeniae coli
b. Epiploic appendages
c. McBurney’s points
d.  Haustra
             ANSWER: D
NOTE: Haustra is sacculations of the wall of the colon between the teniae
87.  ceacum is supplied by:
a.Branch of ileocolic artery
 b. right colic artery
c. branches from appendicular artery
 d.middle colic artery
 e. none of the above
            ANSWER: A
NOTE: The arterial supply of the cecum is from the ileocolic artery, the terminal branch of the SMA.

88. which of the following regarding appendix is false:
a. its 6-10 cm in length
b. It arises from the posteromedial aspect of the cecum
c. appendicular artery, supplies it
d. none
            ANSWER: D
NOTE: It arises from the posteromedial aspect of the cecum inferior to the ileocecal junction.

89. . POSTERIORLY, caecum is related to the following Except:
a. posteriorly abdominal wall
b. femoral nerve
c. greater omentum
d. lateral cutaneous nerve
                         ANSWER: C
NOTE: cecum usually lies within 2.5 cm of the inguinal ligament, is almost entirely enveloped by peritoneum.

90. the taeniae coli in ascending and desending colon may lie:
a. anterior, anteromedial, and anterolateral
b. anterior, posteromedial, and posterolateral
c. posterior, anteromedial, and and anterolateral
d. none
                ANSWER: B
NOTE: in the transverse colon, the position of taeniae coli are posterior, superior, and anterior.

91. ascending colon may lie on the following nerve,Except:
a. renal nerve
b. illioinguinal nerve
c. iliohypogastric nerve
d. lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
                ANSWER: A
NOTE: The ascending colon is separated from the anterolateral abdominal wall by the greater omentum.

92. which of the following regarding TRANSVERSE COLON is false:
a. most mobile part of the large intestine
b. posterior to liver and fundus of gallbladder
c. attaches to the diaphragm through the phrenicocolic ligament
d. all of the above
              ANSWER: D
NOTE: It crosses the abdomen from the right colic flexure to the left colic flexure, where it turns inferiorly to become the descending colon.

Friday, March 30, 2012


63. the stomach:
a. interperitoneal organ
b. retroperitoneal organ
c. intraperitoneal organ
d. all of the above
            ANSWER: C
NOTE: The stomach is covered by peritoneum, except where blood vessels run along its curvatures and in a small area posterior to the cardial orifice.

64.  What section of the stomach is situated between the body and pylorus:
a) Fundus
b) Greater curvature
c) Lesser curvature
d) Antrum
e) Cardiac orifice
NOTE: Body is the major part of the stomach between the fundus and pyloric antrum, the pyloric antrum, leads into the pyloric canal, its narrower part.

65. The ligament connecting the lesser curvature of the stomach to the liver is the:
a) Gastrohepatic
b) Falciform
c) Round
d) Lesser hepatic
e) Ligamentum venosum
                ANSWER: A
NOTE: The sheet-like remainder of the lesser omentum, the hepatogastric ligament, extends between the groove for the ligamentum venosum and the lesser curvature of the stomach.

66. All are fold of peritoneum related to stomach Except:
a. omentum
b.gastroslenic ligament
c. gastrophrenic  ligament
d. none
                       ANSWER: D
NOTE: the omenta contain the vascular and lymphatic supply of the stomach.

67. Anteriorly, stomach are related to the following Except:
a. anterior abdominal wall
b. diaphragm
c. right coastal margin
d. left lobe of the liver
                    ANSWER: C
NOTE: Anteriorly, the stomach is related to the diaphragm, the left lobe of liver, and the anterior abdominal wall.

68. which is not a contents of STOMACH BED:
a. Head of pancreas
b. spleen
c. left kidney and left supra renal gland
d. left colic flexure and transverse colon
                       ANSWER: A
NOTE: The spleen is separated from the stomach by the greater sac, Posteriorly, the stomach is related to the omental bursa and pancreas.

69. which of the following regarding stomach is false:
a. structures of stomach bed are separated by greater sac
b. gastrosplenic ligament attached to the greater curvature of the fundus of stomach
c. posterior surface of the stomach forms most of the anterior wall of the omental bursa
d. the cardial orifice usually lies posterior to the 6th left costal cartilage
                 ANSWER: A
NOTE:  structures of stomach bed are separated by lesser sac, The bed of the stomach, on which the stomach rests in the supine position, is formed by the structures forming the posterior wall of the omental bursa


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


56. which of the following regarding suprarenal gland is false:
a. its inner part produces epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline).
b. its outer part is medulla
c. its outer part is cortex
d. its outer part produces steroid
                      ANSWER: B
NOTE: The suprarenal cortex derives from mesoderm and secretes corticosteroids and androgens, The suprarenal medulla is a mass of nervous tissue permeated with capillaries and sinusoids that derives from neural crest cells associated with the sympathetic nervous system.

57. Anteriorly, right suprarenal gland is related to all of the following EXCEPT:
a. liver
b. ivc
                 ANSWER: C
NOTE: The pyramidal right gland is more apical  with the IVC anteromedially  and the liver anterolaterally.

58. Anteriorly, LEFT suprarenal gland is related to all of the following EXCEPT:
a. stomach
b. spleen
c. pancreas
d. kidney
                ANSWER: D
NOTE: The crescent-shaped left gland is medial to the superior half of the left kidney and is related to the spleen, stomach, pancreas, and the left crus of the diaphragm.

59.  Posteriorly, right suprarenal gland is related to all of the following EXCEPT:
a. right kidney
b. right crus of the diaphragm
c. left crus of diaphragm
d. splenn
                             ANSWER: both C and D
NOTE: The medial borders of the suprarenal glands are 4-5 cm apart.

60. Posteriorly, LEFT suprarenal gland is related to all of the following EXCEPT:
a. left kidney
b. left crus of diaphragm
c. pancreas
                ANSWER: C
61. Regarding venous drainage of suprarenal glands which of the following statements is CORRECT:
a. drains in corresponding renal vein
b. drains in IVC
c. right suprarenal vein drain in IVC and left drain in left renal vein
d. drain in veins corresponding to suprarenal arteries
e. None of these
NOTE: The venous drainage of the suprarenal glands occurs via large suprarenal veins. The short right suprarenal vein drains into the IVC, whereas the longer left suprarenal vein, often joined by the inferior phrenic vein, empties into the left renal vein.

62:  Suprarenal arteries arise from the following sources except:
a.Superior suprarenal arteries  from the inferior phrenic arteries.
b.Middle suprarenal arteries from the abdominal aorta near the level of origin of the SMA.
c.Inferior suprarenal arteries  from the renal arteries.
d. none
                    ANSWER: D
NOTE: The endocrine function of the suprarenal glands makes their abundant blood supply necessary.


Monday, March 26, 2012


56. which is not a contents of sinus of the kidney:
a. renal pelvis
b. renal vessels
c. calyces
d.none of the above
                    ANSWER: D
NOTE: Structures that serve the kidneys (vessels, nerves, and structures that drain urine from the kidney) enter and exit the renal sinus through the renal hilum, At the hilum, the renal vein is anterior to the renal artery, which is anterior to the renal pelvis.

57.The following statements concerning the RENAL FASCIA are correct EXCEPT which:
a. is continuous laterally with the transversalis fascia
b. is continuous superiorly with the diaphragmatic fascia
c. is continuous medially with the fascia around the suprarenals glands
d. is continuous medially with the fascia around the renal vessels
                                      ANSWER: C
NOTE: The renal pelvis receives two or three major calices (calyces), each of which divides into two or three minor calices. Each minor calyx is indented by a renal papilla, the apex of the renal pyramid, from which the urine is excreted.

58. which of the following regarding Renal Fascia is false:
a. Encloses kidneys as well as suprarenal glands
b. Causes suprarenal glands to move when Kidneys are excessively mobile
c. is continuous medially with the fascia around the renal vessels
d. All of the above
              ANSWER: D
NOTE: The lateral margin of each kidney is convex, and the medial margin is concave where the renal sinus and renal pelvis are located.

59. which of the following regarding KIDNEY is false:
a. the kidneys normally lie at the level of T12-L3 vertebrae
b. the kidneys normally lie at the level of T9-L4 vertebrae
C. They lie retroperitoneally on the posterior abdominal wall
d. All of the above
                                  ANSWER: D
NOTE: They lie retroperitoneally on the posterior abdominal wall, one on each side of the vertebral column at the level of the T12-L3 vertebrae.

60. Posteriorly, each kidney is related to all of the following EXCEPT:
a. diaphragm
b. psoas major
c. quadratus lomburum
d. anterior abdominal wall
e. transverses abdominis
f. subcostal vessels
g.12th  rib-right kidney
h. 11th and 12th rib-left kidney
                           ANSWER: D
NOTE: The subcostal nerve and vessels and the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves descend diagonally across the posterior surfaces of the kidneys.

61. Anteriorly, right kidney is related to all of the following EXCEPT:
a. 2nd part of deudenum and transverse colon
b. right suprarenal gland
c. left suprarenal gland
d. liver and jejunum separated by peritoneum
                     ANSWER: C
NOTE: The liver, duodenum, and ascending colon are anterior to the right kidney, This kidney is separated from the liver by the hepatorenal recess.

62. Anteriorly, Left kidney is related to all of the following EXCEPT:
a. pancreas and tranverse colon
b. Left suprarenal gland
c. right suprarenal gland
d. stomach, spleen and jejunum separated by peritoneum
                             ANSWER: C
NOTE: The left kidney is related to the stomach, spleen, pancreas, jejunum, and descending colon.

63. ureteric bud gives rise to:
a. ureter
b. renal pelvis
c. major and minor calyces
e. all of these
                 ANSWER: E
NOTE: The renal pelvis is the flattened, funnel-shaped expansion of the superior end of the ureter.

64. which of the following regarding KIDNEY is false:
a. renal arteries supply both kidneys
b. renal vein drain directly into IVC
c. lymphatics is directly from para-aortic lymph nodes
d. none of the above
                 ANSWER: D
NOTE: The renal arteries arise at the level of the IV disc between the L1 and L2 vertebrae.

65. which of the following regarding URETER is false:
a. the ureter is approximately 20–30 cm long and courses from the hilum of the kidney to the bladder

b. It has a muscular wall and is lined by transitional epithelium

c. It passes along the medial part of psoas major
d. none
                     ANSWER: D
NOTE: The ureters occupy a sagittal plane that intersects the tips of the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae.